Multivariate Analysis using scikit-learn

In this tutorial we demonstrate a multivariate analysis using a machine learning toolkit scikit-learn. Here we will train a Random Forest to discriminate continuum from BBbar events.

In [1]:
from root_numpy import *
import numpy as np
plt= matplotlib.pyplot
In [2]:
import sklearn   ## This is just for printing the version number below. It's not needed for the rest of the tutorial
print 'This tutorial is tested with scikit-learn version', sklearn.__version__
This tutorial is tested with scikit-learn version 0.12.1

A very simple Decision Tree example

Training data. Signal is a correlated 2D Gaussian; background is flat

In [3]:
# np.random.multivariate_normal generates n-dim Gaussian distributions with given mean and covariance matrix
X_sig= np.random.multivariate_normal(mean=[0.0, 0.0], cov=[ [1,0.5], [0.5,1] ], size= 1000)
# np.random.rand generates flat random numbers between 0 and 1 and fill them in an array of a given shape
X_bkg= np.random.rand(1000,2)
X_bkg= (X_bkg-0.5) * 10    # Re-center and re-scale

Plot the distribution. (See more information on array indexing and slicing .)

In [4]:
fig1= figure(figsize=(6,6))
scatter(X_bkg[:,0], X_bkg[:,1], c='b', alpha=0.4)
scatter(X_sig[:,0], X_sig[:,1], c='g', alpha=0.4)
<matplotlib.collections.PathCollection at 0x10821f850>
In [5]:
# Confirm that the shape of the arrays is (n_samples, n_feature)
# Here we have two features (or variables) and 1000 events each.
print X_sig.shape
print X_bkg.shape
(1000, 2)
(1000, 2)
In [6]:
# Merge signal and background samples, and create an array to hold their class indices
X_train= np.concatenate([X_bkg, X_sig])
c_train= np.array( [0]*len(X_bkg) + [1]*len(X_sig) )
print X_train.shape
print c_train.shape, c_train
(2000, 2)
(2000,) [0 0 0 ..., 1 1 1]

Get a Decision Tree, and train it.

In [7]:
from sklearn import tree
In [8]:
# Hitting [Tab] at tree.DecisionTreeClassifier(, you will see the documentation with available options, like this:

# tree.DecisionTreeClassifier(self, criterion='gini', max_depth=None, min_samples_split=1, min_samples_leaf=1, 
# min_density=0.1, max_features=None, compute_importances=False, random_state=None)
# A decision tree classifier.
# ...
clf= tree.DecisionTreeClassifier(min_samples_split= 20, min_samples_leaf= 10)
# Train or fit to the training sample, c_train)
DecisionTreeClassifier(compute_importances=False, criterion='gini',
            max_depth=None, max_features=None, min_density=0.1,
            min_samples_leaf=10, min_samples_split=20,
            random_state=<mtrand.RandomState object at 0x1002a84e0>)

After the training, the model can be used to predict new events:

In [9]:
print clf.predict([3.0, 0.0])
print clf.predict([1.0, 1.0])
[ 0.]
[ 1.]

Or calculate the probability of being each classes

In [10]:
# Can take an array of variables (x,y)
print clf.predict_proba( [ (2.0, -1.0), (0.0, 1.0) ] )
# First column is the prabability of being class 0, and second is class 1. 
[[ 0.61538462  0.38461538]
 [ 0.18181818  0.81818182]]

Visualize the result

In [11]:
plot_step= 0.05
# Create a meshgrid as our "test sample"
xmin, xmax= X_train[:,0].min(), X_train[:,0].max()
ymin, ymax= X_train[:,1].min(), X_train[:,1].max()
xx, yy = np.meshgrid(np.arange(xmin, xmax, plot_step), np.arange(ymin, ymax, plot_step) )
# (xx[i][j], yy[i][j]) makes up the coordinates of grid point (i,j)
print xx.shape, yy.shape
(199, 198) (199, 198)
In [12]:
# Combine xx and yy and reshape it to (n_samples, n_features)
#  xx.ravel() flattens the xx array. 
#  np.c_[]  translates slice objects to concatenation along the second axis.
X_test= np.c_[xx.ravel(), yy.ravel()]
print X_test.shape
(39402, 2)
In [13]:
# Predict the class
Z = clf.predict( X_test )
print Z.shape
# Reshape Z to be the same as xx and yy
Z= Z.reshape( xx.shape )
print Z.shape
(199, 198)
In [14]:
# Plot the result
fig2= figure(figsize=(6,6))
cs = contourf(xx, yy, Z, cmap=, alpha=0.3)
# overlay training samples
scatter(X_bkg[:,0], X_bkg[:,1], c='b', alpha=0.5)
scatter(X_sig[:,0], X_sig[:,1], c='g', alpha=0.5)
<matplotlib.collections.PathCollection at 0x108bb5dd0>

A more complex example that uses Random Forest to discriminate ccbar from BBbar event in BABAR simulation

In [15]:
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
In [16]:
ls data
B0B0bar-BtoDpi-all.root  cc-BtoDpi-all.root
In [17]:
bb = root2rec('data/B0B0bar-BtoDpi-all.root')
cc = root2rec('data/cc-BtoDpi-all.root')
In [18]:
# Look at the content of the data, variable names and their types
print bb.dtype
[('nTracks', '<i4'), ('R2All', '<f4'), ('thrustMagAll', '<f4'), ('sphericityAll', '<f4'), ('mcLen', '<i4'), ('mcLund', '|O8'), ('mothIdx', '|O8'), ('dauLen', '|O8'), ('dauIdx', '|O8'), ('nB', '<i4'), ('BCosSphr', '|O8'), ('BCosThetaS', '|O8'), ('BCosThetaT', '|O8'), ('BCosThrust', '|O8'), ('BLegendreP0', '|O8'), ('BLegendreP2', '|O8'), ('BPFlow0', '|O8'), ('BPFlow1', '|O8'), ('BPFlow2', '|O8'), ('BPFlow3', '|O8'), ('BPFlow4', '|O8'), ('BPFlow5', '|O8'), ('BPFlow6', '|O8'), ('BPFlow7', '|O8'), ('BPFlow8', '|O8'), ('BR2ROE', '|O8'), ('BSphr', '|O8'), ('BSphrROE', '|O8'), ('BThrust', '|O8'), ('BThrustROE', '|O8'), ('BpostFitDeltaE', '|O8'), ('BpostFitMes', '|O8'), ('BpreFitDeltaE', '|O8'), ('BpreFitMes', '|O8'), ('BLund', '|O8'), ('BMCIdx', '|O8'), ('Bd1Lund', '|O8'), ('Bd1Idx', '|O8'), ('Bd2Lund', '|O8'), ('Bd2Idx', '|O8'), ('nD', '<i4'), ('DMass', '|O8'), ('DMassErr', '|O8'), ('DLund', '|O8'), ('DMCIdx', '|O8'), ('Dd1Lund', '|O8'), ('Dd1Idx', '|O8'), ('Dd2Lund', '|O8'), ('Dd2Idx', '|O8'), ('Dd3Lund', '|O8'), ('Dd3Idx', '|O8'), ('nK', '<i4'), ('KLund', '|O8'), ('KMCIdx', '|O8'), ('npi', '<i4'), ('piLund', '|O8'), ('piMCIdx', '|O8')]

Plot all variables we are interested in. They all belong to the "B" block in the original root file

In [19]:
# Shape variables that we are using to distinguish continuum and BBbar events
shapevars1= ['BCosSphr','BCosThetaT','BCosThrust','BLegendreP0','BLegendreP2','BR2ROE','BThrust','BThrustROE','BSphr','BSphrROE']
shapevars2= [ 'BPFlow'+str(i) for i in range(9)]
shapevars= shapevars1+shapevars2    # concatenate two lists
kinvars= ['BpostFitMes', 'BpostFitDeltaE']
# Stretch out (flatten) arrays in each entry but still keep the variable structure
# stretch is a utility function in root_numpy
fbb = stretch(bb, kinvars+shapevars)
fcc = stretch(cc, kinvars+shapevars)
print fbb.dtype
[('BpostFitMes', '<f4'), ('BpostFitDeltaE', '<f4'), ('BCosSphr', '<f4'), ('BCosThetaT', '<f4'), ('BCosThrust', '<f4'), ('BLegendreP0', '<f4'), ('BLegendreP2', '<f4'), ('BR2ROE', '<f4'), ('BThrust', '<f4'), ('BThrustROE', '<f4'), ('BSphr', '<f4'), ('BSphrROE', '<f4'), ('BPFlow0', '<f4'), ('BPFlow1', '<f4'), ('BPFlow2', '<f4'), ('BPFlow3', '<f4'), ('BPFlow4', '<f4'), ('BPFlow5', '<f4'), ('BPFlow6', '<f4'), ('BPFlow7', '<f4'), ('BPFlow8', '<f4')]
In [20]:
fig= figure(figsize=(18,12))
datalabels= [r'$c\overline{c}$',r'$B\overline{B}$']
for j,vname in enumerate(shapevars):
    h,b,p= hist([fcc[vname], fbb[vname]], bins=40, alpha=0.4, label=datalabels, histtype='stepfilled')

Prepare training and testing samples

In [21]:
# Randomize the event order
ibb= np.random.permutation(len(fbb))     # A random sequence of index [0... len(bb)-1]
icc= np.random.permutation(len(fcc))
rbb= fbb[ibb]
rcc= fcc[icc]

# The classifier doesn't take structured recarray; it only takes flattened regular array with the shape (n_entries,n_features)
# See
arbb= rbb[shapevars].view(('<f4',len(shapevars)))
arcc= rcc[shapevars].view(('<f4',len(shapevars)))

print arbb.shape, arcc.shape
(3334, 19) (4539, 19)
In [22]:
# Divide each data set to training and testing sets
bb_train, bb_test = arbb[:len(arbb)/2], arbb[len(arbb)/2:]
cc_train, cc_test = arcc[:len(arcc)/2], arcc[len(arcc)/2:]
print bb_train.shape, bb_test.shape, cc_train.shape, cc_test.shape
(1667, 19) (1667, 19) (2269, 19) (2270, 19)
In [23]:
# Concatenate background and signal data sets
X_train = np.concatenate([cc_train, bb_train])
X_test = np.concatenate([cc_test, bb_test])
# Create the corresponding arrays for classes of events
y_train= np.array([0]*len(cc_train)+[1]* len(bb_train))
y_test= np.array([0]*len(cc_test)+[1]* len(bb_test))
print len(X_train), len(X_test)
print len(y_train), y_train
print len(y_test), y_test
3936 3937
3936 [0 0 0 ..., 1 1 1]
3937 [0 0 0 ..., 1 1 1]

Get the classifier and train it

In [24]:
def RF_train(X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test, labels, mytitle=None, **rfargs):
    Random Forest training. Make probability histogram plots and return 
    ( classifier, histogram of probabilities of being 0 for data d0 and d1, histogram binning)
    *X_train* : training data set
    *y_train* : classes of training data set
    *X_test* : test data set
    *y_test* : classes of test data set
    *labels* : list of labels for the legend
    other arguments will be passed to RandomForestClassifier()
    # Classifier
    clf = RandomForestClassifier(**rfargs)
    # Train it!, y_train)
    # Calculate the probabilities of bein class 1: ys is a list of arrays of classifier output for test data
    # clf.predict_proba(X) returns an 2D array with shape (n_events, n_classes). Here we only pick the slice
    # for probability of being class 1 with [:,1].
    # ys is a list of two (1D) arrays
    ys= [ clf.predict_proba(X)[:,1] for X in [ X_test[y_test==0], X_test[y_test==1] ] ]
    # Plot histograms
    hists, bins, patches= plt.hist( ys, bins=linspace(0,1,51), histtype='stepfilled', alpha=0.5, label=labels, normed=True)
    legend(loc='upper center')
    if ( mytitle ): 
    return clf, hists, bins
In [25]:
fig1= figure(figsize=(16,4))
datalabels= [r'$c\overline{c}$',r'$B\overline{B}$']

# xp/yp: stores classifier output histograms of test data for class 0/1, for each classifier configuration

clf1, hists1, bins= RF_train(X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test, labels=datalabels, mytitle='n5-20', n_estimators=5, min_samples_leaf=20)

clf2, hists2, bins= RF_train(X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test, labels=datalabels, mytitle='n10-40', n_estimators=10, min_samples_leaf=40)

clf3, hists3, bins= RF_train(X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test, labels=datalabels, mytitle='n15-80', n_estimators=15, min_samples_leaf=80)

Compare performances

In [26]:
# Print the scores (the mean accuracy) on test data set (and, for what is worth, the training set)
print ' config.   test    train'
print '--------+-------+--------'
for c,b in zip([clf1,clf2,clf3], clflabels):
    print '%7s : %6.4f  %6.4f' % ( b, c.score(X_test, y_test), c.score(X_train, y_train) )
 config.   test    train
  n5-20 : 0.7877  0.8435
 n10-40 : 0.7899  0.8229
 n15-80 : 0.7915  0.8105

Plot receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves. Here we plot the efficiencies of selecting events that have higher values of classifier output than a given cut.

In [27]:
for x,y,b in zip(hc0,hc1,clflabels):
    plot(1-x.cumsum()/x.sum(), 1-y.cumsum()/y.sum(), label=b)
legend(loc='center right')
xlabel(r'$c\overline{c}$ efficiency', fontsize= 'x-large')
ylabel(r'$B\overline{B}$ efficiency', fontsize= 'x-large')
<matplotlib.text.Text at 0x10f4fb8d0>

Save the classifier to a file using pickle for later use.

In [28]:
import pickle
# Just save one of the classifiers we used.
pickle.dump(clf2, open('random-forest.p','wb'))

Load the classifier back to use

In [29]:
myclf= pickle.load( open('random-forest.p', 'rb') )
In [30]:
# array of classifier output on testing data set
bb_clfout= myclf.predict_proba(bb_test)[:,1]
cc_clfout= myclf.predict_proba(cc_test)[:,1]
both_clfout= np.concatenate((bb_clfout,cc_clfout))
# test data set including B candidate kinetic variables
rbb_test= rbb[len(rbb)/2:]
rcc_test= rcc[len(rcc)/2:]
rboth_test= np.concatenate((rbb_test, rcc_test)).view(np.recarray)
In [31]:
dlabs= [r'$B\overline{B}$', r'$c\overline{c}$']
for j,cut in enumerate([0, 0.3, 0.6]):
    histde= [ rboth_test.BpostFitDeltaE[both_clfout>cut], rcc_test.BpostFitDeltaE[cc_clfout>cut] ]
    hist( histde, bins=50, histtype='stepfilled', label=dlabs, color=['g','b'] )
    legend(loc='upper left')
    xlabel(r'$\Delta E$', fontsize='x-large')
    title( 'clf > '+str(cut) )
    histmes= [ rboth_test.BpostFitMes[both_clfout>cut], rcc_test.BpostFitMes[cc_clfout>cut] ]
    hist( histmes, bins=50, histtype='stepfilled', label=dlabs, color=['g','b'] )
    legend(loc='upper left')
    xlabel(r'$m_{\rm ES}$', fontsize='x-large')